Organization Organization
The RADOCA is responsible for promoting and coordinating the fight against doping in sport among the Central Asia countries.

For athletes For athletes
Principles and values associated with clean sport
The principles and values linked to clean sport aim to up hold the integrity of sports by promoting respect for rules, fellow competitors, fair competition, a fair playing field, and the significance of clean sport on a global scale.
Athletes’ rights and responsibilities under the code
Athletes have certain rights and responsibilities when it comes to Anti-Doping policies and rules. It is important for them to be knowledgeable about these rules and ensure compliance with them.
The principle of strict liability
The principle of strict liability is applied in situations where urine/blood samples collected from an athlete have produced adverse analytical results.
Consequences of doping
An athlete runs very high risks by consuming doping substances or by using prohibited methods. This may result in very severe health but also sporting, financial, legal, and social consequences.
2024 Prohibited List announced by WADA
Risks of supplement use
Using supplements carries inherent risks as there is no guarantee that a supplement is free from prohibited substances. In fact, supplements are a major contributor to unintentional doping among athletes.
Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)
Athletes may at times need to use a prohibited medication and/or method to treat a legitimate medical condition.
Any Athlete may be required to provide a Sample at any time and at any place by any Anti-Doping Organization with Testing authority over him or her.
Requirements of the Registered Testing Pool, including whereabouts and the use of ADAMS
The Whereabouts system allows the National Anti-Doping Organization and other testing agencies to test some athletes with no advanced notice.
Do you have any questions?
To get a consultationMission Mission
Promotion and coordination of the fight against
doping in sport in all its forms in
Central Asian region.