
Борьба с допингом

The RADOCA is responsible for promoting and coordinating the fight against doping in sport among the Central Asia countries.

To achieve this goal, the Fund carries out the following activities:

  1. organization of anti-doping activities, in accordance with the requirements of WADA, the International Olympic Committee (hereinafter referred to as the IOC), the Paralympic Committee, international federations;
  2. organization of a doping control system among athletes and a sports reserve;
  3. representing the interests of the sports community in the development of an anti-doping program in countries belonging to the Central Asian region, such as Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan;
  4. planning and implementation of anti-doping education and upbringing programs in order to increase the level of knowledge of athletes, sports doctors, coaching and teaching staff and athletes’ personnel in the field of combating the use of doping in sports and preventing the use of doping;
  5. organization of individual advisory work with athletes, sports doctors, coaches and athletes’ personnel on various issues of combating doping in sports;
  6. development of criteria for inclusion of athletes in the registered testing pool and formation of a registered testing pool for athletes;
  7. planning anti-doping testing of athletes for doping in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;
  8. organization of in-competition and out-of-competition testing of athletes for doping in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad, transportation of doping samples to anti-doping laboratories accredited by WADA;
  9. provision of services for organizing and conducting in-competition and/or out-of-competition testing of athletes for doping in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;
  10. providing services for sending/transporting doping samples to WADA-accredited anti-doping laboratories for anti-doping analysis;
  11. ordering services from doping control inspectors and other anti-doping organizations to organize and conduct in-competition and/or out-of-competition testing of athletes for doping;
  12. ordering services from doping control inspectors and other anti-doping organizations for sending / transporting doping samples to WADA-accredited anti-doping laboratories for anti-doping analysis;
  13. organization of work with sports federations in order to work closely to eliminate the use of doping and inform them about the results of research on doping samples from WADA-accredited anti-doping laboratories;
  14. organizing and ensuring the work of the Committee for the Review of the Results of Positive Tests of Athletes, the Appeals Committee, the Committee for Therapeutic Use of Prohibited Substances and Methods;
  15. development and implementation of a fair and justified system for adjudicating athletes who violate anti-doping rules. Determining the rules for filing and considering appeals. Ensuring the protection of the rights of the athlete during the filing of the appeal and hearings, ensuring the right of the athlete to file an appeal directly with the court of sports arbitration;
  16. organization of training, advanced training, retraining, certification and recertification of specialists conducting doping control in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in countries near and far abroad, taking into account the specifics of their professional activities on anti-doping work;
  17. organization of training and advanced training for coaches, sports doctors, sports organizers on topical issues of the anti-doping program, taking into account the specifics of their professional activities and participation in the development of information materials on this topic;
  18. organization and holding of international, republican, regional events, sessions, trainings, exhibitions, conferences, seminars on the fight against doping in sports with the involvement of foreign specialists and experts;
  19. organization and holding of charitable, educational and educational events in order to promote doping-free sports;
  20. participation in the work of seminars, conferences, congresses, meetings dedicated to the fight against doping in sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad, internships abroad in order to improve the skills of doping control service specialists;
  21. carrying out research work in the field of sports aimed at studying the issues of improving the working capacity, functional capabilities of a person and counteracting the use of doping in sports;
  22. provision of organizational, methodological and practical assistance, development and publication of relevant recommendations and literature in accordance with applicable law;
  23. cooperation with international anti-doping organizations on all issues of anti-doping work and coordination of its testing activities with Regional and National Anti-Doping Organizations, International Sports Federations and WADA;
  24. attracting funds from domestic and foreign sources for the development of an anti-doping program in eight countries, such as Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, belonging to the Central Asian region according to the definition of UNESCO;
  25. Animation of anti-doping control over pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, sports nutrition products and other products used in sports in order to identify prohibited substances in them;
  26. facilitating the introduction into the practice of training athletes of pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, sports nutrition products and other products permitted for use in sports that do not contain substances prohibited by WADA;
  27. maintenance of databases of athletes;
  28. maintaining a database on the doping control program in the anti-doping administration and management system (ADAMS);
  29. informing all interested parties about the activities of the Regional Anti-Doping Organization for Central Asia;
  30. provision of information services in the field of preventing and combating doping in sports;
  31. implementation of other types of activities that correspond to the goals and objectives of the Fund and are not prohibited by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan