The Central Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organization

The Central Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organisation (RADOCA) is proud to announce that it became one of the first  RADOs with which the International Testing Agency (ITA) has signed collaboration agreement.

RADOCA ENTERS COLLABORATION AGREEMENT WITH ITAThe ITA has now, for the first time, entered collaboration agreements with two RADOs representing Central Asia and Central and South America, RADOCA and PAN RADO in line with its commitment to further enhance clean sport efforts worldwide through close cooperation with national and regional anti-doping organisations. These first agreements between the ITA and Regional Anti-Doping Organisations (RADOs) aim at facilitating the sharing of intelligence and information and more efficient planning of doping controls in the regions represented by both RADOs, as well as collaboration in the area of anti-doping education.

The RADOCA focuses its efforts on building anti-doping capacity and strengthening of the anti-doping programs in RADOCA member countries. But achievement of these main objectives is not possible without developing fruitful partnerships with other Anti-Doping Organizations. RADOCA is proud of signing of a collaboration agreement with ITA which will help the RADO as well the NADOs in the Central Asia region to unite their efforts in protecting the rights of clean athletes. This agreement will contribute to protecting and developing the fundamental value of sport which should be embraced in both on-and-off the field of play in Central Asia region.